政策: Alcohol/受控物质 (5.18)


Also refer to System 政策5.18

罗彻斯特社区技术学院旨在创造一个促进健康的校园环境, responsible living; affirms civility; supports the well-being of each of its members 和 is respectful of 状态 和 federal laws 和 institutional regulations 政府erning behavior. 尊重校园和社区的标准和规定. Alcohol abuse 和 illicit drug use will minimize an individual’s abilities to develop his or her academic or social relationships 和 is contrary to the educational process 和 goals of higher education.


Rochester Community 和 Technical College recognizes that students, 教师, 和 staff are responsible for their own conduct, 和 for the consequences of their behavior as well. The purpose of this policy 状态ment 和 subsequent information is to provide the campus community with the information needed to make responsible, 健康的选择.


第1部分. 政策: 非法使用, 占有, 分布, 制造 or 出售 of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance is prohibited on the campus of Rochester Community 和 Technical College. 这项校园禁令包括体育设施或体育赛事, 和 applies to any person on campus grounds, whether he or she is a member of the College community or not. 个人应注意,即使他们可能是合法年龄消费或持有酒精, 皇冠hg2020手机app下载的政策禁止在校园内使用或持有酒精. (“Exceptions” to this policy are listed under MnSCU政策.2 . D. 和第3部分.)


Note: Although the Minnesota Medical Cannabis Law 和 program allows seriously ill Minnesotans to use medical marijuana to treat certain conditions, 根据联邦法律,持有和使用大麻仍然是非法的, 包括 the Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act, the 受控物质 Act, 和 the Campus Security Act, 及董事会政策5.18 Alcoholic Beverages or 受控物质 on Campus.

因此, 使用, 占有, 生产, 制造, 和 分布 of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on college or university owned or controlled property or any function authorized or controlled by the college or university.


第2部分. 定义.

Alcohol 和 other Drug Abuse 是指使用酒精或任何改变情绪的受控物质吗, 当行为或外表对工作或学习成绩产生不利影响时.


Adversely Affects Work or Academic Performance受影响 shall be determined to be present if the student or 员工 is perceptibly impaired; has impaired alertness, 协调, 反应, responses or effort; if the student or 员工’s conditions threatens the safety of him/herself 或其他; or if the student or 员工’s condition or behavior presents the appearance of unprofessional or irresponsible conduct detrimental to the public’s perception of the College as an employer as determined by the supervisor or manager or other observing the 员工


受控物质 指那些其拥有和分配受法规或法规控制的物质, 包括, but not limited to narcotics, 镇静剂, 兴奋剂, 迷幻剂, 安非他明, 巴比妥酸盐, 大麻, 和 prescription medications


情绪改变改动 means changed behavior which may limit a student or 员工’s ability to perform his/her job duties safely 和 efficiently or poses a threat to the safety of the student, 员工, 或其他.


第3部分. 保险范围: This policy is applicable to any person on campus grounds, whether he or she is a member of the College community or not. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载负责监控此策略并确定何时发生违规. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 is further responsible to determine the appropriate


制裁,并以公平和一致的方式对所有违法者实施这些制裁. 有关此政策的问题可直接向首席人力资源官提出, a Student Conduct Officer, 或保安主任.


第4部分. 被禁止的活动: According to the federal Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) 和 Minnesota Statutes 152 (prohibited Drugs), 340A (Liquor Act) 和 624.701 (Liquor in certain buildings 和 grounds), 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 has implemented a program to prevent 使用 of alcohol 和 unlawful use of controlled substances on campus or at college-related activities by students 和 员工s.


通过与皇冠hg2020手机app下载的联系,学生将遵守学院的行为政策. 然而,这 学生行为准则 does not replace nor does it reduce any requirements of civil or criminal law imposed upon citizens as members of the larger community. 因此, students who violate civil or criminal law may be subject to both legal 和 college sanctions for the same conduct when the conduct occurs off campus but is related to the college community.


While it is not possible to define each instance of misconduct, the following examples are intended to convey offenses:

  • No student or 员工 shall unlawfully 制造, 出售, 赠送, 物物交换, 交付, 交换, or distribute or possess with the intent to 制造, 出售, 赠送, 物物交换, 交付, 交换, 或分发明尼苏达州法规中定义的受控物质或相关随身物品, Chapter 152 while on campus or involved in a college activity, 服务, project 项目或工作情况 off campus. 此外,员工不得在休息时间或加班期间参加这些活动
  • No student or 员工 shall report to campus while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance except as prescribed by a licensed healthcare
  • When an 员工 or student 员工 is taking medically authorized controlled substances which may alter job performance, he/she has a duty to notify the appropriate supervisor of that
  • No student or 员工 shall transport or use any controlled substances in a 状态 or rental vehicle while traveling to a college sponsored or approved activity (meetings, 比赛, 娱乐, ) except as allowed by law.
  • 任何学生或雇员不得进入或占有任何大学校园, or while involved in a college activity, 服务项目, 项目或工作情况, any alcoholic beverage as defined in Minnesota Statute
  • 员工, 包括 student 员工s, conducting the College’s business after the intake of alcohol or other controlled substances shall be subject to sanctions if the resulting behavior negatively affects his/her performance or interaction with
  • The appropriate law enforcement agency will be notified when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that an individual may have illegal controlled substances in his/her 占有 on College Where appropriate, the College shall also notify licensing boards.
  • The 购买 of alcoholic beverages using 状态 or university dollars is prohibited (Foundation funds are neither State nor University funds 和 are exempt from this prohibition).
  • 员工 are discouraged from drinking alcoholic beverages during meal breaks when returning immediately thereafter to perform work on behalf of the 状态. Any 员工 whose condition or behavior – following alcohol consumption – adversely affects their work performance shall be subject to possible


第5部分. 法律制裁:

Applicable legal sanctions under local, 状态, or federal law for the unlawful use, 占有, 管制物质的分配在相关法律中有规定. Complete information on criminal penalties in Minnesota for 使用, 占有 和 出售s of controlled substances may be found at http://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/引用/ 152


Minnesota has a wide range of statutes that regulate the 占有, 购买, 出售, 和 consumption of alcohol. Sanction information may be found at http://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/ 有关酒后驾驶(DWI)的处罚可在以下网址找到 http://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/引用/ 169 a.20


这些处罚包括缓刑、罚款、吊销驾照和/或监禁. 未来修订, 修正案, 或对这些或其他适用规范的补充,通过此引用纳入本政策.



第6部分. 健康风险: Students 和 staff are notified of the health risks associated with 使用 of alcohol 和 controlled substances. 更多信息可以通过联系国家药物滥用研究所(NIDA)获得。, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 美国政府的主要生物医学和行为研究机构. NIH is a component of the US 卫生署 和 Human Services.

饮酒会引起行为和生理上的一些变化. 即使是低剂量也会严重损害判断力、协调性和抽象精神功能. 统计数据显示,大学校园里的大多数暴力行为都与饮酒有关, 包括 acquaintance rape, 破坏公物, 打架, 和 incidents of drinking 和 driving. Continued abuse may lead to dependency, 这种疾病往往会对重要器官造成永久性损害,并损害健康的生活方式.


Cannabis (Marijuana, Hashish). 大麻的使用可能损害或降低短期记忆和理解能力, 改变时间感, 和 reduce 协调 和 energy level. 使用者通常免疫系统较低,患肺癌的风险较高. The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, 在大脑和生殖系统的脂肪组织中储存至少28到30天.


迷幻剂. 麦角酸(LSD)、美斯卡灵和裸盖菇素会引起幻觉和幻觉. 用户可能会感到恐慌、困惑、怀疑、焦虑和失去控制. Delayed effects, or flashbacks, can occur even when use has ceased. 苯环利定(PCP)影响大脑中控制智力和本能的部分. 由于药物阻断疼痛感受器,剧烈的PCP发作可能导致自我伤害.


可卡因/裂纹. 吸食可卡因的人经常鼻塞、流鼻涕,还可能出现鼻中隔穿孔. 吸食可卡因的直接影响包括瞳孔放大和血压升高, 心率, 呼吸速率, 还有体温, 其次是抑郁. 裂纹, 或者免费摇滚可卡因, is extremely addictive 和 can cause delirium, 幻觉, 视力模糊, 剧烈胸痛, 肌肉痉挛, 抽搐, 甚至死亡.


安非他命(冰毒). 安非他明 是否会导致心跳加速或不规则、震颤、丧失协调能力、昏倒和死亡. Heavy users are prone to irrational acts.


海洛因. 海洛因是一种鸦片类药物,能使身体减轻疼痛反应. 海洛因的使用会因心率降低而导致昏迷或死亡.


第7部分. 纪律制裁: Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action initiated by the College as outlined in 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Policy 3.6: STUDENT CONDUCT 和 in the student h和book 和 may be referred for assistance to the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 咨询 Office or 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 卫生服务. 员工 who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to 和 包括 discharge consistent with the collective bargaining agreement applicable with the 员工s’ position. The Chief 人力资源 Officer 和 a Student Conduct Officer will ensure that the disciplinary sanctions for violating st和ards of conduct are enforced consistently.


如果一名学生担心另一名学生在校期间饮酒或吸毒, the student should bring the concern to a course instructor, 工作人员, or the Office of Student Rights 和 Responsibilities.


如果一名员工担心另一名员工在工作时饮酒或吸毒, the 员工 should bring the concern to his/her own supervisor, the other 员工’s supervisor, or to the Chief 人力资源 Officer.


第8部分. 两年一次的审查: As required by the Drug-Free Schools 和 Campuses Regulations, 对酒精和其他药物项目和政策的两年一次的审查将每两年进行一次. This review will determine the effectiveness of, 和 to implement any needed changes to, AOD计划.


第9部分. Alcohol 和 Controlled Substance Use Assessment 和 咨询: Alcohol 和 other controlled substance use awareness programs 和 服务s are offered through 皇冠hg2020手机app下载’s 学生生活, 学生健康服务, 咨询, 人力资源, 和 other campus departments. 学生或员工在吸毒或酗酒问题上需要帮助,可以联系以下人员:


皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Drug 和 Alcohol Referral Resources:





州雇员援助计划,罗切斯特办公室:651-259-3840或1800-657-3719 http://mn.gov/mmb/segip/health-solutions/Employeess/eap/


National Self-Help Resource

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), U.S. 卫生署 www.drugabuse.政府   Local Self-Help Resources:

Alcoholics Anonymous (Rochester) 507-289-5636

Al-Anon 507-281-4729

MN Narcotics Anonymous 877-767-7676 www.naminnesota.org



Olmsted County Adult Chemical Dependency, 成人和家庭服务部:507-328-6400药物滥用服务梅奥诊所:507-538-3270

酗酒 & 药物依赖小组. (Adult Inpatient) Mayo Hospital: 507-266-0909

克罗宁住宅公司. (Half-way House): 507-282-1204

盖布尔斯康复之家(治疗-成年妇女):507-282-2500门诊药物依赖服务, 梅奥诊所:507-538-3270

Family Service Rochester (Assessment, 咨询, Zumbro Valley危机接收单位(戒毒):507-535-5625

Zumbro Valley心理健康中心(咨询、教育、治疗):507-289-2089


第10部分. 认证: This policy will be distributed to all new 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 students 和 员工s 和 annually to all current students 和 员工s. This policy will be reviewed biannually to assess its effectiveness, 实施更改, 和 ensure the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.


Date of Implementation:   Immediate

Date of Adoption:            November 23, 1999

Date of Revisions:          4/25/06; 5/4/07; 5/14/08; 3/29/10; 5/8/12; 5/14/14; 12/11/15; 3/1/18; 10/18/21